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Curriculum Vitae

Audrey Watters

Curriculum Vitae

Short and long versions


I write. I've always written. I hate it, and I love it, and I wouldn't want to do anything else.

For over a decade, I wrote essays and analysis (and rants) about education technology on my site Hack Education. My newsletter, Second Breakfast offers weekly essays on education and technology, particularly on the history of the future of "AI" and robots -- the technology industry's ongoing quest to automate the labor of teaching and learning and to engineer our minds and bodies.

I do freelance from time-to-time, and my work has appeared in The Baffler, The Atlantic, Vice, Boundary2, The Daily Dot, Bright, Hybrid Pedagogy, O'Reilly Radar, KQED's MindShift, Inside Higher Ed, School Library Journal, Educating Modern Learners, ReadWriteWeb, Campus Technology, The Huffington Post, Edutopia, and elsewhere across the Web. I've been a blogger on-and-off for the past fourteen years, blending the personal, the political, and the professional as I've written about school, learning, life, and death. Before that, I wrote academic essays - some published, some not. (Few read, let's be honest.) Before that, poetry.

I'm the author of The Monsters of Education Technology (2014), The Revenge of the Monsters of Education Technology (2015), The Curse of the Monsters of Education Technology (2016), and The Monsters of Education Technology 4 (2017), collections of my keynotes and public talks. I also published Claim Your Domain in 2015, which argues students should control their digital identities and digital work. My most recent book, Teaching Machines (MIT Press), looks at the pre-digital history of personalized computing.

I was a Spencer Education Journalism Fellow at Columbia University's Journalism School for the 2017-2018 academic year.


Freelance writing isn't terribly lucrative. Go figure. So to pay the bills, I speak. Or, I write lengthy essays, and then I read them out loud to an audience. You can read some of the transcripts here.

My upcoming travel and speaking schedule is available here. I'm happy to entertain speaking requests. My speaking fee is negotiable. (Here are some things to keep in mind if you want me to speak at your event.)


I officially left the classroom (circa 2007) when I left graduate school. I've taught a handful of classes and workshops since. You can view a selection of course materials here. I am a certified personal trainer, and I have Level 1 Precision Nutrition certification as well.

I am willing to consider teaching and coaching gigs. Again, my fees are negotiable.

updated December 2024